Thursday, May 8, 2008

How I found Liberty

After my chow/lab mix passed I was lonely and wanted the protection of only a dog can bring. I looked up and came across this picture of the most unique dog I have saw. I kept looking for other dogs but always came back to her. I learned she was with the Chesed foundation but they have no shelter as all their dogs are fostered out. I learned from my twin that they usually work out front of her work the Whole Foods Market in Boca. After getting an interview and an in home inspection we got the ok but we still hadn't met her. The Chesed foundation said you can't know if you get along with a dog by a picture and I said oh yes I can. We finally got to meet her the day we took her home and it was love at first lick. A picture can say a thousand words.

1 comment:

i_love_lamp said...

Share some photos of your amazing critter with us! :)